Our Mission
To educate, inform, and engage the public in making healthy lifestyle choices concerning fresh food, sustainable environmental and agricultural practices, improved personal health, wellness and happiness, and the value of shopping local, all accomplished in an informal learning setting which values interactions and shared relationships among members of the community.
Meet our 2024 Board of Directors
These folks are devoted to working together to guide the OBFM by making decisions which sustain the market and the organization’s mission. We are all happy to be part of this team!

Laura Welborn

Jeff Benoit
Morehead City

Elizabeth Kopf
Vendor Rep

Elilzabeth Gould
Volunteer Coordinator

Emily Bankson
Vendor Rep
Morehead City

Inez Leyden
Activities Coordinator
Cindy Bunch
The market manager can be contacted at oldebeaufortfarmersmarket@gmail.com.
Who is the Olde Beaufort Farmers’ Market?
The OBFM, a 501c3 non-profit organization focusing on education, exists to enhance the quality of life in Carteret County by maintaining a thriving Saturday morning farmers’ market on the courthouse square, by providing a venue for local businesses and non-profit organizations to promote themselves, and by contributing to various local causes which align with our organization’s mission.
Our Saturday morning farmers’ market is composed of farmers, fishermen, bakers and other food producers, artists, and craftspeople. All vendors go through an application process and are vetted for the quality of their products which are homegrown, homemade, or handmade by local folks. The market is a place for shoppers to buy fresh locally grown food and unique artisan treasures in a friendly, personal atmosphere. A live local band or musician, along with a local food truck add to the weekly event.
The market also serves as a venue for other non-profit organizations to interact with market shoppers and to spread the word of their missions and their work. A large number of local organizations use the market for their community outreach and several different groups are present every weekend. Organizations can promote their events, distribute information, sell items, and accept donations.
The OBFM is supported by many local business sponsors who believe in the mission and the activity of our organization. These businesses partner with the market to help us with operational costs, dinners, and other activities and they join in the market to promote themselves to the public.
Finally, the OBFM is now contributing to the welfare of our community by supporting local causes which align with the market’s mission of education and engagement with the community. We have created a scholarship and internship program which awards funds to local graduating seniors from county high schools. We have also supported local children by donating tuition for them to attend the Beaufort Boys & Girls Club, and contributed to Hope Mission, among other causes.
The Olde Beaufort Farmers’ Market organization is managed by a Board of Directors and the Executive Market Manager.
Weekly market facts:
We produce a weekly rain or shine outdoor market located at 300 Courthouse Square in Beaufort on the courthouse grounds under the giant, old live oak trees. The venue is located in the center of town and is a short walk from downtown Beaufort. Abundant parking is also available around the courthouse area.
The market is open from the second weekend in April thru the 3rd weekend in November from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm. The market season ends with an Olde Fashioned Holiday Market in the evening in mid-December.
The market welcomes kid and friendly pets. Most markets include activities for children and families enjoy bringing their well-behaved dogs to the market also.
The market is usually filled with approximately 60 - 70 vendors, a food truck, live music and boasts something for everyone.
The market is managed by Cindy W. Bunch and Gus Stoehrer, the Saturday market assistant.
Come enjoy this event market every Saturday morning at
“ the place where life slows down so neighbors can catch up.”